Sea of Illusion by Tracy Kiggen

Oh, I wish that I could be an ocean,
with so much abundance of life in me.
The waves that roll and rock then crash so violently, are just the edges of my great expanses, which open the doors for friends to come in and explore.
If I could only, myself, be the link to hidden treasures, and carry the wise to travel upon me.
If I could lift the ships to their certain destinies, and swallow the sun with such admired beauty.
This is one wish I long to be granted and longing is all that appears.
If such could happen I would be free.
Free to wash where I desire,
Free to roam where I please.
If only....
Yet all I am is a lonely soul, imprisoned on land with many like me.
But maybe if I throw myself upon the shores, I will soon have my own sweet personality.


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